2024 Fitness Goals: live results!
In the beginning of 2024, I set a RAD goal of doing 20 pull ups, 20 exploding push-ups, and a 4 minute plank by the end of the year. 20-20-4.
For those who are unfamiliar with the term, here’s what “RAD” goal stands for:
R = Reason. The goal must be near and dear to your heart and have a strong “why” behind it. Otherwise, it’s unlikely that you will fully commit to achieving it.
A = Ambitious. The goal must be BIG enough to really challenge you and push you outside of your comfort zone.
D = Drastic Action. The goal must require you to take drastic, consistent action to hit it.
My reason behind this goal was to get in the best shape of my life!
In pursuit of my 2024 RAD fitness goal, I stopped doing long distance running and focused on calisthenics instead.
I hired a trainer named Shawn Couch, who specialized in mobility and body weight training.
I committed to calisthenics training three days/week, and ran 2-4 miles two days/week.
When I first started training, I could only do a couple pull ups, no explosive push ups, and a 30 second plank.
Through consistent training, I got stronger and healthier, and by the start of December I was up to 15 pull-ups, 20 explosive push-ups, and a 2 minute plank.
I was in the best shape of my life, but still far away from my goal.
One of my good friends Alex Kremer once told me “The purpose of a goal is not to achieve it. It’s who it forces you to become to get there.”
While I felt healthier than ever, I still wanted to reach my goal and decided to film my attempt to hit 20-20-4.
Make sure you tune in until the very end to see what happens, and the most important lesson I learned in the process of pursuing this fitness goal.
You can watch it here: https://youtu.be/xmWJPxL84qs
PS – If you want to work on setting your 2025 RAD goals together, I’m hosting a free goal setting workshop next week on January 6th at 10am PST. You can sign up here:
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