Dealing with Anxiety

A few weeks ago I was feeling a lot of anxiety. 

I was preparing to host a large Mastermind at my home in Lake Arrowhead, and I felt extremely anxious about what could go wrong. 

Although I had spent months preparing for the event, my mind was racing. 

So I recorded a video about how I was feeling. 

In this video, I share why I felt so anxious, and five strategies I use when I start worrying about the future. Here they are: 

1. Talk about how you’re feeling.  Getting things off your chest can often help you feel much better, rather than keeping it bottled up. I often talk to my wife when I’m feeling anxious and that helps tremendously. 

2. Keep things in perspective. Remember who you are and what you’ve already been through. You’ve gotten this far for a reason, and have likely been through much harder times than what you are experiencing now and came out even stronger. It’s often helpful to simply remind ourselves of what we’ve overcome in the past to keep things in perspective. 

3. Practice healthy routines. Exercising, breathing, and meditating can immediately help change your physical and mental state and help you feel much better. 

4. Stop comparing yourself to other people. I often feel anxious when I go on social media and watch other people’s content, which makes me feel like I’m not doing enough or I’m not enough. This is absolute BS, and so I try hard to limit my time online. Using apps like One Sec and Opal can help with this. 

5. Pray. This is my favorite one. Let go and let God. When I am anxious, I pray for strength to endure whatever challenges may come, and express gratitude for the many blessings I have. I recently started practicing two-way prayer, in which I ask God for help with a challenge I’m facing, or anything I may be struggling with. I write down the question, take several deep breaths, close my eyes, and journal whatever I hear. This practice typically takes 5-10 minutes, and ALWAYS helps. 

I hope you can use some or all of these tools if you are struggling with anxiety. You are not alone, and we are all human. 


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