Elite Sales Performer Trait #2: They Care

The second trait of Elite Sales Performers is that they care.

Why is this so critical to sales success?

Teddy Roosevelt said it best:

“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

Customers can quickly and easily tell if you truly care about them by the way you engage and interact.

If customers feel you care about their success as much as they do, they will want to work together if you can help them.

Caring naturally leads to curiosity.

When you care, you will dig deep during discovery to better understand the challenges your customers face and why they face them.

When you care, you will take the time to understand what success looks like to the individuals you sell to and their companies.

When you care, you will feel as invested in your customers’ success as they do.

Caring cannot be faked.

You have to genuinely care about your customers if you want to sell large deals that transform their business.

To become a great salesperson, you must become a great person who cares.

In todays video, I break down why caring is essential to success and how you can demonstrate that you care during a sales cycle.


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