How to Detach from the Outcome

June has been a tough sales month so far. 

At the beginning of the year, I set a sales goal of 2M, or $166,667/month. 

From January-May, we’ve averaged $187,200/month, well above our goal. 

However, at the time I’m writing this we are at $43,000 MTD, with just a few business days left. 

I’ve found myself stressed and anxious. 


Because I’ve been focusing too much on the outcome. 

I am a daily practitioner of Stoicism, and I KNOW firsthand that nothing good comes out of this. 

Obsessing over outcomes leads to anxiety, stress, and worry. 

Which impacts your energy in a negative way. 

Negative energy impacts how you engage with others. 

Leading to the very results which you fear most. 

It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. 

So what’s the solution, given that sales is a performance sport and we’re measured on outcomes??? 

It’s simple, but not easy: 

Detach from the outcome, and attach to the inputs. 

Outcomes “come out” of inputs, or what we “put in.” 

Rather than obsessing about sales, I’m going to spend time on the right inputs which will lead to more sales. 

Here are my top input areas for July: 

1. Coaching my sales team and leading by example. This means taking sales calls with my team and demonstrating firsthand how I sell. As a leader, we must SHOW people what to do and not just tell them. 

2. Grow my affiliate and partner program. 

3. Scale marketing with a VSL and new e-mail campaign 

All three areas are within my control, and will lead to consistent sales. 

If your sales are NOT where they need to be, this is a blessing.

 Because it forces you to adapt your approach and grow. 

THIS is what separates the top 1% from the rest. 

They see setbacks, obstacles, and failures as opportunities to improve. 

And search deeply from within to STEP UP to the challenge, rather than finding external reasons why they aren’t successful. 

The problem is the gift. 

The obstacle is the way.

If you need help detaching from the outcome, we can help. 

Book a free coaching call using the link below to learn how to detach from outcomes and focus on what YOU can control. 



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