How to develop grit in sales

Many people confuse grit with grinding. The two are vastly different. 

Grit leads to ongoing success and mastery whereas grinding leads to stress and eventual burnout. 

According to Daniel Pink’s book Drive, grit is defined as “perseverance and passion for long term goals”. 

Grinding, on the other hand, requires working your butt off in pursuit of a short term goal. 

The best analogy I can use is that if I want to run a marathon once in my life, I will need to grind out my training to complete my goal. 

However, if my goal is to become an endurance athlete, running a marathon is simply a milestone which will lead to other future goals, such as competing in triathlons or future marathons. 

If you are grinding it out in sales simply to make quota, you will feel immense frustration and will always be teetering on the edge of burnout. 

Whereas if your goal is to develop into a high performing sales athlete, hitting quota is merely an outcome on the path of developing yourself into a Sales Master, which will require many years of dedication and patience. 

Developing your grit is the key to becoming a master in any field. 

In today’s video, I break down the difference between grit and grinding in detail. Enjoy!


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