How to go from seller to business owner
More sellers want to become full-time business owners than ever before.
And it makes total sense. Sales can be mentally exhausting and lead to burnout.
Each year you have a new goal, bigger quota, and new accounts.
You may have a new boss who doesn’t know you from Adam.
It feels like you have to start all over again, year after year.
Think about this question for a minute?
Can you see yourself still working in sales through your 50’s and 60’s?
Exactly….it’s very hard to imagine.
While a career in sales offers many benefits, including great pay, flexible schedules, and the ability to control your own destiny, there are many challenges that come with it.
If it was easy, anybody could do it and it wouldn’t pay so much!
That’s why so many sellers are starting side hustles, which they eventually want to take full time.
So how exactly do you make the transition from seller to business owner?
Here my top piece of advice:
Get started now, in whatever capacity you are able!
You don’t want your dream to lie dormant.
If you have an itch, you HAVE to scratch it or it will eat you alive, little by little.
You don’t want to die with the painful regret of not having chased your dream.
I know this firsthand, as I started my coaching business after a near death experience.
I didn’t have a product, team, or pricing mode in place.
But what I did have was a desire to serve, and I made a promise to God that I would start serving immediately and share my gifts with the world.
I got started by committing to making a short video every day for the next year and posting it on Instagram.
It was a MASSIVE commitment, but one that I felt would change my life and make a positive impact on the lives of others.
I called it the “365 day challenge.”
My goal wasn’t to make money or become a full time business owner at the time.
But that’s exactly what happened once I started serving.
It was a natural and gradual transition.
By the end of that year, my life had changed and I saw a clear path to become a full time business owner.
Through the act of creating content on a consistent basis, people reached out and wanted private sales coaching and even asked me to train their teams.
The following year I started taking on more clients, and proved to myself that I could make at least the same (if not more) money coaching as I did as a top seller.
I built a bridge, and after 2 years I took the leap to full time business owner.
The rest, as they say, is history.
While your side hustle may look much different than mine, you can still get started today.
You don’t need a well-formed business plan to start pursuing your dream.
Perfection is the enemy of progress.
Start by asking yourself this question?
What could I do RIGHT NOW to serve others which I would love doing full time?
Then go do it!
Even if you start for free, the experience you will get is priceless.
For example, when I first started speaking at events, I did it for free.
And once you get started, I promise you the path will become much more clear.
People will come into your life who can help, and your plan will naturally develop.
To help inspire you to take the first step, I wanted to share a video which I made during my 365 day challenge.
This was made over 5 years ago, and I have never looked back.
My hope is that this video will inspire you to take the first step of serving others in whatever capacity you can TODAY, and help you begin the path to serving others full time TOMORROW.
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