How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

More sellers are facing Imposter Syndrome than ever before. 

What is Imposter Syndrome, why do people have it, and how do you overcome it?

This is what I will cover in depth in this week’s training.  

What is Imposter Syndrome?

In simplest terms, Imposter Syndrome is the feeling that you are unqualified or unworthy of the current role you have. 

You may have been promoted to Enterprise Sales and feel like you don’t have the skills or knowledge to succeed at that level. 

You may feel you may have gotten “lucky” in the past and you are afraid that you will eventually be “found out” by your sales leader or colleagues. 

You may have an upcoming meeting with a Senior Executives (such as CIO’s or CFO), and feel nervous about the meeting because of their role or title. 

After all, what could I possibly teach them that they don’t already know?

These are all symptoms of Imposter Syndrome. 

Imposter Syndrome is very harmful to sellers, because it leads to over-preparing for meetings, analysis paralysis, and general lack of confidence. 

Even worse, when sellers experience Imposter Syndrome they question everything they do, can’t be present with customers because they are thinking about what to say next, and perform poorly because they are nervous. 

Why do people have it? 

There are many sellers have Imposter Syndrome, but here are the most common ones I see: 

1. They are inward facing and self-centered. Before you take offense, let me clarify what I mean.

When you are focusing so much on yourself (and your qualifications or worthiness), it’s very hard to focus on your customers and how you can best serve them. 

On the contrary, when you show up to a meeting with the goal of understanding where and how you can help your customers, you can have an authentic conversation focused on them, not you. 

And you can completely detach from the outcome, because you are simply trying to help. 

Or as my mentor Rory Vaden likes to say, “there is no nervous when you’re in service.” 

2. They are unprepared and don’t understand the problems they solve

If you don’t understand the problem you solve and how you solve it for companies, then you will feel like an imposter. 

But when you understand in depth the problems your customers face, why they face them, the pain they are experiencing, and exactly how your company can solve the problem, you will feel much more confident going into any meeting. 

This is why it’s critical not just to know your product, but to know what problems you solve in detail and study the customers who have already solved these problems with your company. If you need help with this, check out my course Mastering Your Message

So how exactly do you overcome Imposter Syndrome? 

Check out my latest video here to find out:
PS – Despite my confidence, I still struggle with Imposter Syndrome at times. Last week I felt it strongly before presenting a Sales Masterclass to Tony Robbins Business Accelerator community of over 700 founders. I share exactly how I overcame it in this week’s video:


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