How to Use Incentives without Being Pushy

Let’s face it – we all love a great deal! 

That’s why companies like Amazon have “Prime Day,” and why tech companies perform so much better the last month of every quarter.

The challenge is that nobody likes to be pressured to make a decision. 

When you throw discounts at customers with short expiration deadlines to get them to take action, you will repel your customers and they will smell your “commission breath” a mile away. 

Customers want to buy on their own timelines, and being too pushy can damage the relationship at best, or kill the deal at worst. 

However, when you know how to properly position incentives using the right language and timing, it can make a major difference in getting your biggest deals over the finish line. 

So how can you offer compelling, time sensitive incentives without being pushy or aggressive? 

That’s exactly what I cover in this week’s training video “How to Use Incentives without Being Pushy.” 

In this video, I share: 

  1. The difference between incentive selling and discount selling
  1.  The exact language you should use to qualify the client in advance of offering any incentives
  1. The timing of when to share the incentive so you allow sufficient time for the client to gain the necessary approvals on their end
  1. How to properly follow up to ensure the deal is tracking without being pushy
  1. What to do when the customer doesn’t pull the trigger on time and the incentive expires

You can find the full training video here:


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