My 2025 RAD Goals

Setting professional and personal goals is essential to ongoing success and growth. 

If you want to make 2025 wildly successful in ALL areas of your life, here’s a great framework you can use. 

It’s called RAD goal setting: 

For those who are unfamiliar with the term, here’s what “RAD” goal stands for: 

R = Reason. The goal must be near and dear to your heart and have a strong “why” behind it. Otherwise, it’s unlikely that you will fully commit to achieving it. 

A = Ambitious. The goal must be BIG enough to really challenge you and push you outside of your comfort zone. 

D = Drastic Action. The goal must require you to take drastic, consistent action to hit it. 

The eight categories which I recommend using are the following: 

1. Business Goals: This is often a revenue or sales goal that you set at the beginning of the year. 

2. Financial Goals: This is typically related to a personal income or savings goal. It could also include things like buying a home, investing in real estate, or setting up a living trust or will. 

3. Health Goals: This category relates to improve your physical or mental health, and may include things like going to the gym 4 days a week, running a half-marathon, or doing 10 pull-ups

4. Family Goals: These goals are related to improving the quality of your relationship with your partner or children. For example, a prior family goal was to have lunch with my wife every day and go on date nights twice/month. 

5. Spiritual/Faith Goal: This has to do with strengthening your relationship with God or your higher power, and may include things like daily prayer, meditation, or going to Church regularly. 

6. Learning Goal: This has to do with developing your mind, and may include things like taking an online course, learning a new hobby, or attending a Mastermind or live seminar. One of my personal learning goals is to buy a Big Green Egg and learn how to smoke meats this year. I also attend two live Masterminds per year, and already booked my ticket to the Summit of Greatness. 

7. Service/Contribution: There’s tremendous joy and fulfillment when you can give back in any way you can. This category may include things like volunteering,  mentoring others at your company, or posting content online that will serve others without any expectation of receiving anything in return. For example, I often post content about overcoming addiction, even though that’s not directly related to my coaching business. This content helps those who are struggling feel seen and heard, and if they reach out I can guide them in the right direction. 

8. Fun: “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” – Jack Nicholson in The Shining

While I certainly appreciate the grind and hustle of running a business, working too much can lead to burnout. That’s why I always plan out at least 4 vacations/year, attend lots of concerts, and go to dinner with a core group of friends on each of our birthdays. 

This year we already have Spring Break booked at Disney Aulani in Oahu, and are actively planning a trip to Yellowstone National Park in the summer. 

Many people set business or financial goals, but neglect the other categories. 

I’ve found that personal, life, and family goals are way more fulfilling, and have a ripple effect on your business success as well. 

If you want to hear my top RAD goals for 2025, check out this week’s video. 

PS – If you want to set your 2025 RAD goals together with me, I’m hosting a live workshop today at 10am PST where we can work on your goals together and share them with a large group. Sharing your goals publicly often creates great accountability because when we speak something into existence, we commit to making it happen! 

You can register here:


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