Peace in the Pursuit
Sellers are producers.
As a seller, be proud of that.
But also, beware:
Producers in our society have this one big problem.
This challenge is almost universal in our culture.
Very rarely does anyone get this right on their own.
Almost all producers
One of the biggest challenges ambitious sellers face is that they are so busy pursuing their goals that they fail to enjoy the journey along the way.
They are overwhelmed, stressed, and running hard every day with no end in sight.
When I ask my coaching clients if they can see themselves selling at 50 or 60 years old, every one of them says no.
Why? Because the pace they are going at is not sustainable, and they are not enjoying themselves.
The problem is that driven, ambitious sellers want to achieve the life of their dreams, and the only way they know how is to keep grinding.
Inside, they crave peace, fulfillment, and a deeper purpose which they aren’t getting from their sales job.
This is something that I also struggled with in sales, which led me to start my own coaching company.
But even as an Entrepreneur “living my dream”, I still struggle with enjoying the journey and finding peace in the pursuit.
This has been a major focus for me in 2025, and while it’s still a work in progress, I’ve made some major strides to find daily happiness and fulfillment in the daily grind.
Here are three simple practices which I follow to find peace in the pursuit:
1. Do your best and let go of the rest
I find that peace naturally occurs when I know that I am doing all I can to get the results that I desire. When I plan my day, block off my top priorities on my calendar, and execute them, I can be more present with my family at night and rest easier, knowing that I’ve done all I can that day.
All you can do is all you can do.
When I get distracted easily or get sucked into busy work, then it’s very hard to experience peace because I’m obsessed about everything that I still need to do and feel guilty that I didn’t stay on task that day.
2. Amor Fati, or “love of fate”
I am a strong practitioner of Stocisim. When obstacles, challenges, or hardships come my way, I accept them rather than trying to fight them.
My philosophy on any challenge which life’s present is “this is happening FOR me, not TO me.” Or said another way, the problem is the gift.
When I look back upon the biggest challenges I’ve ever faced in sales or life, they’ve always helped me grow stronger and redirectedredirect me towards something greater which I didn’t see at the time.
For example, my struggles with addiction led me to recovery and ultimately a much better family life.
When Salesforce raised my quota from 2M to 4.3M, it was a forcing function that guided me to quit my job and go ALL IN on my coaching business, rather than accepting what amounted to a 50% pay cut.
The list goes on and on. So now whenever something “bad” happens, I pause and find the gift.
Amor Fati means accepting what happens so you can learn and grow stronger from it, rather than falling down hard and getting paralyzed when life beats you down.
3. Be Present and enjoy what’s right in front of you
This is the hardest one of all, and requires daily dedication.
Spiritual practices like meditation, breathwork, and prayer can help improve presence greatly.
I also have deleted most of the distracting apps from my phone, and put away my phone most nights to be more present with my family
But one of the most profound ways that I drop into presence is through a “time capsule” visualization exercise. Here’s how:
Visualization exercise
Close your eyes and imagine yourself as an 80 year old, looking back on this exact moment in time. You’re old and most of your life is over. You wish that you could experience this moment again. You would trade anything to go back in time and be right here, right now. Now open your eyes, be present, and appreciate what’s right in front of you.
These are the best years of your life, and when you look back on them you will want to make the most of these precious years with the people you love.
Being ambitious and driven is a very good thing, but not when it comes at the expense of enjoying the journey and finding happiness every step of the way
Life is short and flies by with the blink of an eye.
If you move too fast, you might not see all the gifts that are right in front of you.
In this week’s video, I share actionable tips you can use to experience peace in the pursuit of your dreams.
Weekly Sales Tips

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