The 12 Week Year: Keys to successful Execution of your weekly goals

If you are like many salespeople, daily execution of Revenue Generating Activities (RGA’s) can be a real challenge.

Often times the day can overtake us, as we get consumed responding to customer emails, addressing challenges, and working on low value tasks.

This is energy draining and hurts our chances of success.

I am wrapping up a book called The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 weeks than others do in 12 Months.

The book has been extremely helpful with planning and execution, and I’d highly recommend it to anybody who struggles with execution.

A key principle in the 12 week year is use of a weekly scorecard to set goals and score them.

A link to the scorecard can be found here:…

The principles are fairly simple:

1. Set your top goals for the week on a Sunday night or Monday morning before starting work.

2. Include the most strategic, impactful activities (keystone actions) which will move your deals forward.

3. At the end of the week, set up a WAM (weekly accountability meeting) to review your results and score against the goals you set.

Having accountability partners greatly increases your chances of success, as it’s often easier to honor your commitments to others than just yourself!

Hope this helps!


Weekly Sales Tips

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