The Integrity Gap © – How to reduce anxiety, stress, and self-doubt in sales

Why is it that so many salespeople are stressed out, anxious, and constantly beating themselves up? 

After coaching hundreds of salespeople (and struggling with this most of my own life), I believe that the #1 reason is that most people are not Living with Integrity. 

So what exactly does this mean? 

The word integrity evolved from the Latin adjective integer, meaning whole or complete. It is defined as “an undivided or unbroken completeness.” 

When describing a person, this simply means living by one’s values, beliefs, and principles. 

It means your actions match your beliefs about yourself. 

It means you do what you say and think. 

If your actions and behaviors don’t match your thoughts and beliefs about yourself on a daily basis, you will be in conflict with yourself and will be fighting an internal battle every day. 

This manifests into stress, anxiety, irritability, and self-criticism. 

It can reduce your self-confidence, strain relationships, and result in immense shame. 

True confidence comes from keeping your word to yourself, day after day!

If you can’t trust yourself, how will other people trust you? 

I’ve created an image which illustrates this concept which I call “The Integrity Gap.” 

The smaller The Integrity Gap © in your life is, the more confident, authentic, and fulfilled you will feel. 

In today’s video, I share a detailed overview of the Integrity Gap and how Living with Integrity every lead will lead to joy, fulfillment, and lasting confidence! 

If you need coaching to help you understand where an Integrity Gap may exist in your life and the actions you can take to bridge the gap,  join my coaching waitlist and we can work on this together! 

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