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Working without the anxiety of failure
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“We’re so busy watching out for what’s ahead of us that we don’t take the time to enjoy where we are.” – Bill Watterson I’ve been working hard since starting my own business. Really, really hard… I’m not referring to working long, unsustainable hours. I’m referring to intensity of work every single day. 8 hours…
Read More...Two years ago, I flushed my Adderall down the toilet. I am diagnosed with ADHD, I had been taking Adderall for many years to help me focus. I stopped taking it because I had gotten into addiction recovery earlier that year, and accepted that I was still addicted to Adderall and was using it to…
Read More...I don’t believe in work life balance. Instead, I believe in work life integration. What exactly does this mean? It means that I often wake up early on the weekends to exercise, get important work done, or plan for my upcoming week. Even when I’m on vacation. The key is that I strive to finish…
Read More...How do you know if a large deal is likely to close? Try using my PREDICT SELLING © framework. While I’ve used many sales methodologies in the past, I never found one that captured all the key ingredients needed to close complex Enterprise deals. So I came up with my own! I just received the…
Read More...When your WHY is big enough, you will always find a way how. Without a strong purpose, it’s often hard to endure the day to day challenges which sales brings. That’s why it’s important to reset your why every year and understand what’s driving you right now, as opposed to years past. This can often…
Read More...I believe that “money motivation” is a great driver for salespeople. However, the pursuit of money alone will leave salespeople feeling unfulfilled and empty inside if it’s their only reason for working in sales over the long term. Here’s what I mean: Most salespeople i know originally chose to pursue a sales career because of…
Read More...Is procrastination killing your productivity? 😫 We often make things way harder in our heads than they are in reality. 🤕 The good news is that you can do something about it immediately! 👊👇 You see, it’s not the event, task, person, or situation which is causing you to feel anxious and stressed. It’s the…
Read More...As a Sales Coach, I consistently see three top reasons AE’s miss their sales targets. And they have nothing to do with selling skills. Where do AE’s struggle the most? 1.) They struggle to work their hardest on a consistent basis every single day. Many of my clients share that when they need to work…
Read More...Elite Sales Performer Trait #7: They are Resilient. So what does it truly mean to be resilient? Here are some examples: 1. Resilience is the ability to get back up quickly after failures, obstacles, and setbacks. Often times the greatest success lies directly on the other side of failure, but we will never see this…
Read More...Are we overcomplicating sales and making it much harder than it needs to be??? At its core, sales is really quite simple. There are two primary reasons why people buy or change: 1. Avoidance of pain2. Pursuit of gain Our job as sellers is to understand the challenges which our clients are having today and…
Read More...Weekly Sales Tips

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