
Better yourself. Better your sales.

Working without the anxiety of failure

Why sales is the greatest career in the world!

June 22, 2021

How you view your sales career will directly impact how you perform. ================================== If you are excited about the opportunity and believe you have a chance to create your dream life, you will work harder and perform better. If you dread getting out of bed because you hate facing rejection or can’t stand the grind,…


How to find and work with a Mentor

June 15, 2021

What’s the fastest path to success when you take on a new role, start at a new company, or pursue your side hustle? 🥁🥁🥁 FIND A MENTOR!!! When looking for a mentor, here are some key things to consider: 1. Look for a person who has done this before at the highest level and performs…


Selling with Impact: 4 levels of impact

June 9, 2021

People and companies don’t buy products and services… They buy the outcomes which those products and services deliver. If you want to sell more and improve your close rate, you must know your impact. There are 4 levels of impact for every deal. Individual level What is the impact this deal will have for your…


Finding Happiness in Sales

June 2, 2021

For the bulk of my career, I believed happiness came from crushing it in sales. If I hit my quota, I was happy.If I didn’t, I beat myself up and felt miserable. I also believed a high income would enable me to buy things that made me happy. News flash….it didn’t. 2016. I bought a…


How to Handle Low Motivation Days

May 25, 2021

How do you handle days when your motivation is low? Last week I had a coaching client tell me he was on fire Monday and Tuesday, but felt unmotivated on Wednesday. Here’s what I told him: First off, it’s important to understand that motivation comes and goes, even for the most ambitious of people. Here…


How to Maintain Work/Life Balance

May 18, 2021

Is it possible to perform consistently in sales while maintaining a healthy work/life balance? The simple answer is YES, but it will require thinking and working differently. Over the past two years, I was able to exceed plan while starting and growing my side hustle, having a baby, and putting a tremendous amount of time…


Reducing Stress in Sales

May 11, 2021

Is it possible to reduce stress when working in sales, or does this simply come with the territory? May is Mental Health Awareness month, and last week on Andy Paul’s Sales Enablement podcast Andy, Richard Harris, and Howard Brown discussed a recent survey in which 75% of sales reps reported feeling “stressed” or “highly stressed.”…


Earning the right for discovery

May 3, 2021

How do you respond when a prospect asks to see your product or service before discovery??? You should never: give them a demo before validating what they need provide a detailed overview of your product tell them you can’t show them yet because you haven’t done discovery Prospects don’t want to waste your time or…


Focus on output, not outcomes

April 27, 2021

Why do many AE’s perform below their potential and feel unfulfilled in sales? It’s because they are focused on outcomes instead of output. Here are a few examples of what this looks like: Will I hit my quota this month/quarter/year? Is this deal going to close? How much will I earn this year? When will…


Pitch your discovery, not your product

April 20, 2021

Most sales are made during discovery, NOT at the closing stage of a sales cycle. So rather than pitching your product or scheduling a demo early on, pitch your discovery process first. When a prospect agrees to let you into their world and show you how they are doing things today, they expect that will…


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The #1 key to negotiating

January 19, 2022

What’s the #1 key to negotiating which very few people talk about? Knowing your worth and believing it!…