
Better yourself. Better your sales.

Working without the anxiety of failure

Elite Salesperson Trait #1: Discipline

November 8, 2021

Elite Salespeople do the hard things first.


Help others get what they want, and you will get what you want

November 2, 2021

do more for others.


Sales is not a charity: never give things away without getting what you need in return

October 27, 2021

Sales is a two way street: it requires active participation from both parties to run a successful sales cycle. One of the best indicators of whether a deal is qualified or a customer is serious is their level of engagement. Customers who want whatever you’re selling are typically willing to share during discovery, actively communicate,…


Use “reverse selling” to have your clients convince you why they need it

October 21, 2021

Do your clients really NEED what you’re selling, or is it a nice to have? Once you understand why they truly need what you have to offer, then you can sell with much more effectively. This will improve your win rates and save you time chasing unqualified deals. During discovery, I use a method I…


When should you deliver pricing, and who should you give it to?

October 14, 2021

🤔 At what stage of the sales cycle should you deliver pricing, and who should you give it to? Many software deals are lost as a result of giving pricing at the wrong time to the wrong person in the sales cycle. If you give pricing too early, the prospect may disqualify you before the…


How to separate your self worth from your sales performance

October 7, 2021

How do you separate your self worth from your sales performance? 3 in 5 sales professionals rate their mental health as “fair” or “poor,” and a major reason is due to constant stress and pressure to perform. We beat ourselves up when things aren’t going well, don’t celebrate enough when things are great, and struggle…


How to build confidence

September 29, 2021

At 42 years old, I decided to run a half marathon. I set this goal to inspire others to go after what they want and show that it’s never too late to start. Last Sunday I ran my first half marathon in 2:07:56, an average pace of 9:45/mile. My original goal was 2:15, which I…


Prospecting into the C-suite

September 24, 2021

We all know the importance of engaging with decision makers to accelerate your deals. The question is, how do you book meetings with Senior Execs? Here’s my formula for booking meetings with power in any organization: =================================================== Step 1: Research the Executive extensively. Most important is that we identify what they are focused on in…


Using Active Listening to run powerful discovery meetings

September 15, 2021

“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” – Stephen R. Covey To succeed in Enterprise sales, it is important to engage directly with power and align your solution to a key initiative or a problem your client is trying to solve. The challenge, however, is…


Victory is on the other side of failure

September 13, 2021

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up” – Thomas Edison In sales, and in life, your greatest victories will often come shortly after your most painful failures. Regardless of your spiritual beliefs, it feels like God or the universe is constantly testing…


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The #1 key to negotiating

January 19, 2022

What’s the #1 key to negotiating which very few people talk about? Knowing your worth and believing it!…