
Better yourself. Better your sales.

Working without the anxiety of failure

The Integrity Gap © – How to reduce anxiety, stress, and self-doubt in sales

October 31, 2022

Why is it that so many salespeople are stressed out, anxious, and constantly beating themselves up?  After coaching hundreds of salespeople (and struggling with this most of my own life), I believe that the #1 reason is that most people are not Living with Integrity.  So what exactly does this mean?  The word integrity evolved…


Should I quit my sales job?

October 24, 2022

Thinking of quitting your sales job?  Before you do so,  watch this video first.  I’ve seen more sales professionals leaving their jobs, or considering leaving, than ever before.  The average tenure for a SaaS AE is now just 18 months at their company. Even top performers are leaving to pursue greener pastures. Why is this…


Top 5 Lessons from my first Marathon

October 17, 2022

Last week I ran my first marathon.  My goal was to finish in under 5 hours. I finished at 4:34:32, or an average pace of 10:27 per mile. Here are my top 5 lessons from the Marathon:  1. Take incremental steps by setting achievable goals and hitting them first. Then move on to bigger goals…


How to Sell During a Recession

October 10, 2022

During a recession, it’s harder to sell than ever before.   Budgets are tighter, decision makers are gun shy, and spending freezes are common.  This has a direct impact on sales rep performance, as Repvue has recently reported a significant decline in the % of reps hitting quota in 2022 across all segments.  In order to…


How can Lifestyle Design help you thrive in sales?

October 3, 2022

What is lifestyle design, and how does it help you thrive in sales?  The term “lifestyle design” is often confused with “laptop lifestyle,” or sitting on a beach somewhere working 5-10 hours per week as a solopreneur.  This is not the correct meaning of the term, and is not relevant for many people working in…


How to Create the Life of your Dreams working in sales

September 27, 2022

How do you create the life of your dreams working in sales?  It’s not easy, but it’s fairly simple.  You must live by this philosophy every day:  HARD NOW = EASY LATER At 42 years old, I was able to retire from Corporate sales to run my coaching business full time.  I live 5 minutes…


My thoughts on Quiet Quitting

September 19, 2022

The term “quiet quitters” is used to describe employees choosing not to go above and beyond at work.  As a Gallup poll reveals, “quiet quitters make up at least 50 percent of the U.S. workforce, probably more.” I find this unsettling for several reasons:  1. There is immense joy in having meaningful goals and working…


From Inward to Outward Selling: How I became the #1 Enterprise AE at Salesforce

September 12, 2022

If you want to become an Elite Seller, you must make one major change in how you sell.  You must shift from an inward focused to an outward focused seller.  Here’s what inward focused selling looks like:  * My job is to sell you * I talk, pitch, and present to you  * We discuss…


How to balance work and family

September 5, 2022

If you work hard at your job you can make a great living.  If you work hard at home you can make a great life!  Here are some of the keys to success:  1. Just as you would prioritize scheduling meetings with clients, make sure you prioritize schedule time for your family.  Here’s what this…


How I transformed my life over the past 6 years

August 30, 2022

How do you transform your results in all areas of your life, including your sales, business, relationships, family, and health??? Over the past 6 years, I have embarked on this exact journey and the results have exceeded my wildest expectations:  2017-2018: Sales Transformation – went from selling around 1.3M/year ARR to selling over 5M/year ARR.…


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The #1 key to negotiating

January 19, 2022

What’s the #1 key to negotiating which very few people talk about? Knowing your worth and believing it!…