
Better yourself. Better your sales.

Working without the anxiety of failure

The Science of Selling: How I hit quota 42 months in a row

October 13, 2020

There are three critical success factors in Sales: 1. Activity (RGAs) 2. Attitude (Positivity and Confidence) 3. Selling skills The good news is that we have đź’Ż control over our activity, and high activity will likely lead to improved skills and increased confidence. But the key to activity is that we focus on the RIGHT…


How to Apply what you Learn in Business & Life

October 6, 2020

“TO KNOW AND NOT TO DO IS REALLY NOT TO KNOW” – Stephen R. Covey There is a wealth of fantastic content out there, but a scarcity of application. It’s far too common that people listen to or read something new, then immediately move onto something else without applying what they learn. NEVER move onto…


Selling with Purpose with Ian Koniak and Dale Dupree

September 28, 2020

Several weeks ago I had the privilege of meeting with Dale Dupree, founder of the Sales Rebellion, and appearing on his Podcast “Selling Local.” This was truly an EPIC conversation where we discussed ways that Sales Professionals can perform at their highest level while truly making an impact on the lives of others. We spent…


The Key to Happiness

September 22, 2020

Over the past 8 weeks, I’ve been on paternity leave and have used the time to bond with my wife and 2 sons. It’s also been a time to reflect upon what I really want in life, and connect deeply with my greater mission and purpose. I always believed that happiness would come from experiencing…


How to get out of a “funk”

September 15, 2020

We all have days where we get down on ourselves, regardless of how well things may be going in our lives. Today I share a helpful hack to “snap out of it” when you feel like you’re in a funk or having a rough day where it’s hard to get going. A few important pointers…


Perfecting your Sales Pitch

September 7, 2020

When somebody asks you “what do you do for a living,” how do you normally respond? If you are like many AE’s, you will likely describe what it is that you sell, such as saying “I sell CRM software to Large Enterprises.” But that answer really doesn’t tell anybody what you do, especially if they…


Life-Changing Lessons I Learned from My Near-Death Experience

September 1, 2020

Most of us will never experience a “near death experience,” but those who have will all agree that it is life changing in many ways. I recently appeared on April Garcia’s “PivotMe” Podcast, where I shared my life story and the catalyst which led me to start making videos and coaching others. The full episode…



August 24, 2020

The only way to say YES to RGA’s (Revenue Generating Activities) is to say NO to the daily activities and tasks which pull you away from them. Today I share the importance of DELEGATING so you can focus on what will move the needle on your business. The most important tasks to delegate are: 1.…


Here’s the #1 reason why Enterprise Customers choose to “do nothing”

August 18, 2020

When selling Enterprise Software, our primary competition is not other vendors, but status quo. Regardless of how impactful your product or service may be, many companies will choose not to do anything at all. There are several reasons why this may occur including the following: 1. They feel like their current plan is working fine2.…


FEED YOUR FOCUS, STARVE YOUR DISTRACTIONS: How to succeed in all areas of life

August 10, 2020

Incredible success in your career means nothing if your personal life or health is suffering in the process. So what exactly does it mean to be “successful?” I believe that success means living to your greatest potential in ALL areas of life, not just in your career. This means living a healthy lifestyle, making the…


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The #1 key to negotiating

January 19, 2022

What’s the #1 key to negotiating which very few people talk about? Knowing your worth and believing it!…