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I recently had a chance to host a Fireside chat with Joe Caravana, a close friend and colleague from Ricoh and Salesforce. In Joe’s tech sales career, he’s made President’s Club 18 out of 20 years. Equally impressive, he’s achieved the highest level of success without sacrificing his health or time with family, which is…
Read More...There’s an interesting phenomena in sales which I call the “Valley of Despair.” It’s the period of time when a salesperson starts to question themselves and have major doubts about whether they can succeed. Typically this occurs when they have been doing everything they can to be successful, but not seeing the results. Despite working…
Read More...As a sales professional, how much is your time worth per hour? If you can’t answer this, you are likely wasting A LOT of your time. Because how can you value your time if you don’t even know what it’s worth? Wasting time is the #1 reason why most sales professionals aren’t performing to their…
Read More...After running my second marathon in 5 months, I’ve decided to take a break from endurance racing for a while. However, I will continue to run, bike, and work out consistently. My 2023 plan to get in the best shape of my life even though I’m not running another marathon this year. Why? Because staying…
Read More...I recently had the pleasure of hosting a Fireside Chat with Brandon Fluharty, who is an absolute legend in the world of Enterprise Sales. Brandon is one of only a handful of individual contributors on the planet who has earned a 7 figure W2 for 3 consecutive years, selling over 50M during that time period. …
Read More...I believe that ChatGPT will be an absolute game-changer for AE’s and BDR’s to help them write high quality, personalized prospecting emails that convert. Before I publicly endorsed the tool, I wanted to test it for my own prospecting emails. I was blown away by how easy and intuitive it was to use. With just…
Read More...One of the biggest struggles my coaching clients face is perfectionism. Perfectionism is a major killer of sales productivity and must be overcome to reach the highest levels of success in sales and in life. Here’s why: Perfectionists often delay (or avoid) taking action because they think their work isn’t good enough, or they don’t…
Read More...I’m excited to share my system for staying productive all day, every day. This system allowed me to sell over 100M in my B2B sales career, then build a 7 figure coaching business working an average of 40 hours/week. Most importantly, my nights and weekends are free to spend with my family. Here’s are the…
Read More...Do you ever beat yourself up because you feel like you wasted the day? Or perhaps you feel like you’re working hard, but neglecting what’s most important! If you feel this way, it’s because you have an Integrity Gap © The word integrity derives from the Latin word integer, meaning whole or complete. When used…
Read More...Today I bombed a discovery call with a Sales Leader. When we wrapped up the call, he said my Sales Coaching program was not a good fit. So what exactly did I do wrong? He shared a major problem (only 3 of 12 reps hit quota last year), and I jumped RIGHT into the solution. …
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