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How do you stay motivated every single year in sales? It comes down to setting ambitious goals that inspire you to perform better, and visualizing success before it happens. If you take the time to visualize specific goals that you can see, feel, and taste ahead of time, then you will show up inspired, driven,…
Read More...I’ve had a ton of coaching clients ask me how I started and built my coaching business. Many AE’s can’t see themselves staying in sales forever, or are simply looking for additional income streams. This desire for a side hustle may be fueled by the current layoffs in tech, ongoing stress and burnout from sales,…
Read More...Let’s face it – it’s tough to be a sales professional right now. Customer budgets are tighter than ever. Pressure to perform is greater than ever. And many of us are working extremely hard without seeing the results. And here’s the crazy thing: it’s not just your fault that you are missing your number! After…
Read More...We are either growing or we’re dying. If you want to grow, you must GET OUT of your comfort zone. The comfort zone is the danger zone. When we are too comfortable, we get complacent. When we are complacent, we stop challenging ourselves. When we stop challenging ourselves, we stop growing. It’s like a viscous…
Read More...Before starting in sales 20 years ago, I was an English teacher living in Venezuela. When I left teaching I never imagined that I would teach again, but now I teach sales every day. Before starting at Salesforce, I led a sales team of 10 Managers and 70 AE’s at Ricoh. When I left sales…
Read More...Many people confuse grit with grinding. The two are vastly different. Grit leads to ongoing success and mastery whereas grinding leads to stress and eventual burnout. According to Daniel Pink’s book Drive, grit is defined as “perseverance and passion for long term goals”. Grinding, on the other hand, requires working your butt off in pursuit…
Read More...Why is it that so many salespeople are stressed out, anxious, and constantly beating themselves up? After coaching hundreds of salespeople (and struggling with this most of my own life), I believe that the #1 reason is that most people are not Living with Integrity. So what exactly does this mean? The word integrity evolved…
Read More...Thinking of quitting your sales job? Before you do so, watch this video first. I’ve seen more sales professionals leaving their jobs, or considering leaving, than ever before. The average tenure for a SaaS AE is now just 18 months at their company. Even top performers are leaving to pursue greener pastures. Why is this…
Read More...Last week I ran my first marathon. My goal was to finish in under 5 hours. I finished at 4:34:32, or an average pace of 10:27 per mile. Here are my top 5 lessons from the Marathon: 1. Take incremental steps by setting achievable goals and hitting them first. Then move on to bigger goals…
Read More...During a recession, it’s harder to sell than ever before. Budgets are tighter, decision makers are gun shy, and spending freezes are common. This has a direct impact on sales rep performance, as Repvue has recently reported a significant decline in the % of reps hitting quota in 2022 across all segments. In order to…
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